OCIE® Better Enterprise Content Management Solutions

Friday, December 6, 2013

OCIE® Provides Solutions for Hospital's IT Efficiency

"One change that can dramatically increase operational efficiency is to simplify complex, frustrating, and outdated IT systems and replace them with processes that maximize usability, reach, and speed."

OCIE® is a more affordable solution than bigger suites and can be customized to a specific hospital's needs. Our experience and enterprise-caliber tool set make us competitive in the industry. Taking the complex and simplifying processes is a key ingredient to our success. Visit www.ocie.net for details...

Three Reasons Why IT Efficiency is Key to Your Hospital’s Survival in the New Healthcare Economy


Making Better Business Decisions Faster and More Effectively with OCIE®

Business leaders are continually focusing on making faster, better decisions for that competitive edge. They receive continuous reporting from their business data systems, which may be stored in multiple locations and with multiple viewers. When new reports and consolidations are needed to support a business decision, it can be a daunting task for employees to preparing these reports. The gathering, calculating, and delivery of these reports may have costs of employee time and computer resources making it impractical to do. The result is that decisions are made with the best guess. That is big loss to the company because the history of valuable company information exists that could be used to make better decisions.

Now what if you had a better common delivery and archive solution OCIE (Online Computer Information Exchange) to extract needed data from all system output over all time to securely deliver the best answers? And most importantly do quickly without using scarce IT resources.  Since the work is done in the user department in hours using the powerful OCIE system cost are minable making it practical to make decision based on facts and trends.  The key is that the information exists.  With OCIE is accessible without OCIE it is locked up and expensive to get to.   Rather than have your employees redo all of gathering, calculating and delivery involved, they could reuse reports from any system send at any time to build new reports for business trends or statistics for better decisions. So with OCIE you reuse rather than redo making analysis faster, efficient and more affordable.

If you would like to learn how your business could reuse rather than always have to redo your reporting resources, contact Donnell Systems today about OCIE better information management solutions.